Tag: business

Targeting a specific audience with your product – and why this adds valueJuly 6, 2023

A business has to solve a need for an existing audience. If you don't know who that customer is, or…


5 ways to get in control of your business financesApril 6, 2023

Having proper control of your business finances is a big advantage. It helps you make well-informed business decisions and keeps…


New UK corporation tax rates from April 2023March 14, 2023

Did you know that the UK corporation tax rates are changed from April 2023? From 1 April 2023, the rate…


6 words and endless questions, try it now in your business. Success is guaranteedMarch 10, 2020

6 words and endless questions, try it now in your business. Success is guaranteed Asking the right questions at the…


Actions speak louder than words in building your credibilityMarch 3, 2020

It’s very easy to tell your customers or future customers how good your products and services are, we’ve all heard…


We can help you Pay Less TaxFebruary 26, 2020

Winter is closing in; the dark nights are upon us. Now is the time to huddle around the roaring fireplace…


What can you learn from Rudyard Kipling about asking your customers the right questions?February 11, 2020

Asking the best questions, in the best way and at the best time has huge potential for changing the results…


The Business Builder newsletter – February 2020February 5, 2020

We've just published the February issue of our new newsletter titled, "The Business Builder”. You can download and read it HERE ... This issue…


Build your credibility relevant to your ideal customersFebruary 4, 2020

Your business is constantly evolving, as a business owner or leader it can be hard, sometimes impossible, to keep up…


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