Show Up Like Nobody Else

Here’s something to get your brain cells churning…

The number one mistake that most people in business know but don’t do.

It’s not about money. People who’ve got money to spend make the exact same mistake.

It’s a mental mistake that stems from how you think.

You see most businesses try and get their leads/customers/clients/patients as cheaply as they possibly can.

That becomes their mission.

They are attracted to what looks like the cheapest thing to do. Like moths to a flame. And it’s stupid.

Stupid because they deprive themselves of the number one advantage that they could ever have in business, which is to create a scenario where they can (profitably) outspend their competition.

By going cheap, they can only do a very limited number of things.

But by changing their strategy and getting their economics right, they can buy speed and growth and discourage competitors from entering the market.

Smart marketers structure their business so they can out-spend everyone else with marketing.

1% send full colour, glossy packages mailed to the right people in the post.

99% will ask if they can go black and white or reduce the number of pages to drive down cost. Or they’ll email it. Or have it available for download. Stupid.

The 1% will ask how they can do it more expensively.

What could they do to force people to read it – to incentivise people to read it?

“Show up like nobody else” is a seriously smart strategy – but hardly anyone pursues it.

What could you do that would allow you to change the economics of getting a customer – to spend more money?

It’s a proper brain-teaser.

But get it right and it can be life changing. I know, cos I’ve been there…

Told you I’d get you thinking!

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