Whether you like Ed Sheeran’s music or not, you will have heard of him. He is, without doubt, currently the biggest selling male artist and recently headlined Glastonbury!
But, this success has not happened overnight, he is not a product of a music mogul or a television programme, he is a product of his own consistent, daily hard work and single-minded determination.
Since the age of 13 Ed Sheeran had a plan…
Since the age of 13 Ed Sheeran has known what his Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is and has done his ‘one thing’ every day to achieve it.
Apply the same consistent daily determination in your business to achieve your BHAG.
Ed Sheeran’s BHAG is ‘I want to be the biggest male artist in the world’
What is yours?
During 2009, sleeping rough, Ed Sheeran played more than 300 gigs at small venues and open mic nights…
He did this consistently and every day he moved towards his BHAG – the one he has had since he was a teenager, the one he feels the most passionate about – the one he feels he CAN do!
What is your BHAG – the one you feel passionate about – the one you CAN do?
And what are you doing to achieve it?
Ed honed his talent every day and any day he did not perform, sing or write a song in his mind was a wasted day… a day when a domino should have been knocked over and wasn’t.
This drive, energy and focus that Ed Sheeran had to achieve his ultimate goal – his BHAG – the drive energy and focus that he had to consistently do his ‘one thing’ every day, is the reason for his success…
The reason that he sold out 3 nights at Wembley in 2015…
The reason that his latest album Divide is the fastest selling album of all time…
AND the reason that in March 2017 all 16 of the songs from this album were in the Top 20, and in fact made up 9 of the top 10!
Apply the same drive, focus and determination to the achievement of your BHAG as Ed Sheeran did and watch your business score number 1 hits and beat all the competition.