You might be using email marketing to let your customers know about your products and services, but are you actively driving them to your website?
If the email you send is information only and has no further action required, the chances are the email contact list you have is not growing and the visits to your website remain low.
It is your job, using the right marketing, to grow your email lists, grow relevant visits to your website and in turn increase your customer base.
These 3 things will grow your business and your profits…
So how do you do this?
By using lead magnets…
A lead magnet is ‘a specific chunk of value (content) that solves a specific problem for a specific market that is offered in exchange for a name and email address’
For example, if you want people to read your latest case study, then you put details of the case study and a link in the email. The link asks for their name and email address, as soon as they have filled this in they get an immediate download of the material.
Your Lead Magnet must be exciting, consumable and offer great value all within five minutes of the opt-in (when your visitor enters their contact details).
When your website uses lead magnets in a smart and effective way it will help you achieve 2 things:
- Your list numbers will grow
- You will learn more about the people on your list and what interests them, helping you refine the emails you send to them in the future.
Click here to learn more about the intrinsic value of lead magnets to the success of your email marketing and therefore your business.