When was the last time you took a close look at your marketing activity to see if it is really delivering the business performance you want?
Before you jump in head-first committing time and money on the sizzle it pays to consider WTS – ‘Where’s The Sausage?’
Too often business owners rush to improve marketing ‘sizzle’ by changing the logo, or corporate colours or website design…
BUT this will not solve the specific concerns and frustrations of your customers.
In this ‘Where’s The Sausage’ edition of Business Breakthrough you will learn, in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea:
- The marketing ‘sizzle’ approach and how to bring what you offer to the attention of your customers
- The 4 helping hands to ensure your marketing activity delivers the results you want.
- How major brand Persil managed to stand out from their rivals by identifying their core offer.
Click here to discover if your core offer is strong enough and whether you’re spending your marketing money, time and effort wisely.
You can also find more Business Breakthrough editions and their support tools discussing other business challenges on our library page. Click here to take a look.
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