Business Breakthrough – Goal Setting Works

Do you have goals for the short- and long-term success of your business, goals which are part of your strategic plan? Have they been shared with your team?

A wish list is not the same as a set of goals.

If you are not clear on your business goals, your team will be in the dark – lacking direction, motivation and enthusiasm for the work that they do.

Set ambitious outcomes and process goals for your business, and take your team on the journey with you, ensuring that all will be more engaged in the achievement of these goals.

In this Goal Setting Works edition of Business Breakthrough you will learn, in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea:

  • What SMART goals are and the importance of ambitious ‘stretch’ goals
  • Why outcome and process goals are crucial for the motivation and engagement of your team
  • That goal expectations come in 3 forms and all must be present for the goal to be achieved

Click here to discover that goals aren’t meant to be a stick you use to beat your people. When you use goal setting successfully in your business, you will build the drive, enthusiasm and success of your team and will ensure their buy-in and engagement in working towards achieving your goals.

You can also find more Business Breakthrough editions and their support tools discussing other business challenges on our library page. Click here to take a look.

We hope you enjoy this Business Breakthrough report. Feel free to pass on this edition and its supporting tools to your colleagues or contacts and if you’d like printed copies just give us a call on 01752 752210.

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