You can now download the August issue of Better Business Focus. Please feel free to e-mail Better Business Focus to your friends or colleagues.
Below is a selection of articles from this month’s issue, and we hope you enjoy the read!
Better Business Focus: Expert Inspiration for a Better Business.
Better Business Focus is the essential key for business owners and managers. It achieves that by focusing on the way in which successful businesses compete and manage their organisations. It focuses on how people are recruited, coached and developed; on how marketing and selling is undertaken in professional markets as well as in markets with intense competition; on how technology and the Internet is reshaping the face of domestic and home business; and on how people are being equipped with new skills and techniques. In short, it offers expert inspiration for a better business.
Peter Economy
Want to stay healthy at work? Here are 5 easy ways you can do it with minimal effort: Are you part of the 80 per cent of people not ready to adopt healthier behaviours? Here are some tips that will help you begin your journey toward better health.
Sue Barrett
Hybrid Selling – rebuilding how we sell and buy: COVID has completely reshaped how we do B2B sales with an almost exponential rise in the number of digital/remote client meetings undertaken on video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Skype, or Google. Video conferencing and chat has replaced face-to-face encounters overnight.
Andy Bounds
END meetings on time – with just four words: “How many of you hate it when meetings overrun, and make you late for your next thing?”
Urko Wood
How to gain strategic perspective to drive growth: More and more, I have noticed that the organisations that are most successful at innovation are attaching the Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) approach to the front end of their process before Design Thinking, Lean, and Stage Gate processes.
Jeff Haden
Why emotionally intelligent people embrace the 2-way-door rule to make better and faster decisions. You need to make a decision. A major decision. A life-changing decision. (Aren’t all decisions potentially life-changing?)
Paul Sloane
The five people you need in your life: Vidusha Nathavitharana is an author and trainer on leadership issues. He argues that you need five key people in your close circle.
Lolly Daskal
Your leadership is contagious—whether you know it or not: When standards in an organisation change, the process tends to be so gradual that it’s not readily noticeable. One day you look around and realise that things that used to be unacceptable are now commonplace. Whether it’s a lax attitude toward work and deadlines, gossip and backbiting, or dishonesty, it’s easy for negative behaviour to take hold.
Thom Dennis
The challenges CEO’s are facing right now: The challenges facing CEO’s right now are mounting. Many businesses have had to stop, start, reassess and reconfigure in the last year as we went through lockdowns, Brexit and unprecedented global health instability, with countless employees having faced isolation, burnout and anxiety.
Benjamin Hardy
Have you lost your sense of urgency? It is very easy to get distracted and easy to lose momentum. It’s easy to procrastinate and delay your greatest desires or priorities. It’s easy to lose that sense of urgency toward your time and purpose.
David Finkel
Ways that you can increase your profits with the help of your vendors: Landing a new client or project can be an exciting time for any business owner, but if you are like many entrepreneurs taking on a new client (or several) at one time can put a strain on you financially – especially if there is going to be a significant amount of time before you can start doing billable work or produce a product for a contract.
Amy Vetter
How to stop virtual communication burnout: Many of you have been communicating almost entirely via digital platforms for more than a year, so I don’t need to tell you Zoom fatigue is real. When hours of every day are spent communicating via videoconference, chat, text, email, and more—all without so much as one in-person conversation—it’s only natural for burnout to set in.
Dr Lynda Shaw
Make sleep a top management priority: Most of us accept that good quality and enough sleep is essential to human survival and is vital to our mental and physical health. Sleep has a profound impact on our neurological performance and is essentially food for the brain.
August Aquila
No heir apparent – What does the small firm do? I had the opportunity to speak to small CPA firm owners from several different states and was struck by a consistent theme voiced in the audience – “I sometimes wish I wasn’t the owner.” In reality, I don’t think they really meant this. They were voicing their frustrations about being the sole person responsible for the practice, the clients and the employees.
Pete Foley
Pros and Cons of becoming an Innovation Consultant: One question many innovators face at some point in their careers is whether to work in a large, corporate organisation or in a small start-up or consultancy. I want to revisit and update a blog I wrote a few years ago for LinkedIn that discussed some pros and cons of consultancy versus corporate innovation.
Sunil Bali
It started with a kiss….. Can you remember your first date with your spouse or a partner? Can you remember how you felt?
Tom Koulopoulos
Jeff Bezos sums up what separates winners from dreamers in just 2 words: Few figures have captured our attention the way Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos has. In just under 23 years, Amazon’s revenue has soared from $500,000 to $178,000,000,000, from nine employees to over 560,000, and its stock has increased 1,000 fold since its IPO. You can’t argue with that sort of success. But trying to put it into a formula is somewhat ludicrous.