When we look ahead it’s the little things we do, the little steps we take, that will get us to the big things.
And it’s a lot easier to take a little step, than it is to take a big step.
Getting 100 more customers, is a big step.
Kicking off your Google Ads campaign, or sending an email is a little step.
It’s what Sir Dave Brailsford (cycling coach) calls “marginal gains”. It’s the little things that, added together, make a big difference.
Your success this year, is going to be defined by all the little things you do that, together, make a really big difference.
I heard an interview with Dave Brailsford on Radio 5, and it was interesting to hear that one of the biggest, most impactful “marginal gains” you can make in business…is a smile.
A smile doesn’t cost a thing, but the impact a smiling, positive outlook and attitude could have on your business is immeasurable.
And a smile is one of those smaller steps but is a big “marginal gain” that really can have a huge effect on you and your business.
So, take some time to think about the little steps that will make the big difference for your business this year – and beyond.